The1st Malikussaleh Internasional Conference on Law, Legal Studies and Social Science (MICoLLS)


The entry of the digital era has encouraged various people’s behavior in all lines of life. The digital revolution, which was later known as the Industrial Revolution 4.0, is a phenomenon that cannot be separated from people’s daily lives. Various technologies produced by the digital revolution, especially in the field of information technology, such as the internet and smartphones, have become daily activities for millions of people around the world in carrying out their activities and work. Through the internet network via smartphones, we can easily carry out various daily activities and access information and can use services to order transportation, lodging, food, to find navigation when traveling. Not only that, with the development of the internet network and digital technology, it is also easier for us to find knowledge and new things to be used as references in creating and innovating.
Technological developments that occur globally, including the digital revolution, are something that cannot be prevented and will continue to run and develop rapidly from time to time. Therefore, in order not to be left behind, we should be able to compete through the development of science and increase innovation.
Regarding the rapid development of technology, this is because the industry is not disruptive in nature but is transformed by following the latest trends. This can be seen from many products, such as electronic products that were previously lost from the market, because they were replaced with other products. For example, there used to be Betamax and VHS, then they were replaced by VCD and DVD. Furthermore, VCDs and DVDs have also begun to be replaced by live streaming. This includes the emergence of online trades that make it easier for people to make sales transactions. With the presence of the industrial revolution 4.0, it now raises new hope in accelerating economic progress as well as challenges in creating opportunities to work and innovate. Through the development of the industrial revolution 4.0 through digitalization in various fields, this has created changes in business opportunities and led to new innovations. This is driven by the development of the use of the internet, so that many business people are aware of using the internet in the business process
The industrial revolution 4.0 was born after being preceded by three previous generations, namely the first generation of steam engines, the second generation of electrification, and the third generation of computerization. The fourth generation or also known as industry 4.0 is a cyber physical system, with digitization and product interconnection, value chains and business models. Industry 4.0 also includes research, networking of industry players, and standardization. By digitizing the interconnection of products, the trade chain can be shortened thereby accelerating the mobility of the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers. At a later stage, this will reduce operating costs, thereby potentially increasing economic activity and producer income as well as consumer efficiency.
The realization of these potential benefits will have a positive impact on the economy of a country. The key in realizing the potential of the industrial revolution 4.0 is to optimize Human Resources (HR) and digital infrastructure. Furthermore, industry 4.0 is considered capable of increasing efficiency and productivity, so that there will be a decrease in industrial production costs. This reduction in production costs will certainly have an impact on increasing production and increasing consumer purchasing power. However, in addition to providing great benefits, the industrial revolution 4.0 is also a challenge for a country. The challenges faced by a country in implementing the industrial revolution 4.0 include the emergence of demographic changes and social aspects in society, instability in political conditions, limited human resources, the risk of natural disasters, and demands for the application of environmentally friendly technology.

Keynote Speaker

Prof. Dr. Herman Fithra,
Prof. DR. Jamaluddin, SH., M.Hum
Dr. Like Raskova Octaberlina, M.Ed
Dr. Muhammed wesam Amer
Dr.H.C. Tiago Soares Bedin
Dr. Sc. Enkeleda Lulaj
Prof. Dr. Raj Kumar Singh
Dr. Hiwa Rashid Ali


• Intellectual property and enhancements;

• State policies regarding protection and personal secrets in the 4.0 era;

• Strengthening of Customary Law and Local Wisdom;

• Intellectual Property Law and its protection;

• The existence of sharia banking law in the 4.0 era;

• The existence of law based on local wisdom in the 4.0 era;

• Law (civil, criminal, and state administration law)

• Social and political sciences (public administration, political studies, communication studies, sociology and anthropology)


Schedule :

30 September 2021 – 1 October 2021

Kampus Universitas Malikussaleh Building Cut Meutia Bukit Indah, Lhokseumawe, Aceh


Dr. Elidar sari, S.H., M.H  :+628126973046

Sela Azkiya, S.H            : +6285276672228