In the midst of ever-growing global dynamics, conflict and humanitarian issues remain a major challenge for the international community. Many conflicts involve not only countries, but also ethnic groups and local communities. In this context, a legal perspective becomes very important to understand and find a just and humane solution. Islamic law and customary law, as two legal systems that have existed for a long time, offer unique perspectives and approaches in dealing with conflicts and humanitarian issues. This seminar aims to dig deeper into these two perspectives, compare them, and find common ground and differences that can enrich our understanding of conflict management and international humanity.

However, it is important to remember that Islamic law and customary law each have different historical, cultural and philosophical backgrounds. Islamic law, which originates from the Koran, Hadith, ijma, and qiyas, provides comprehensive and holistic guidance in various aspects of life, including in handling conflicts and protecting human rights. On the other hand, customary law, which develops organically in a particular society, reflects local values, norms and practices passed down from generation to generation. Customary law is often flexible and able to adapt to social and environmental changes.

By holding this seminar, we not only seek to identify and understand the principles underlying Islamic law and customary law in conflict and humanitarian contexts, but also explore how these two legal systems can complement each other. For example, how the principles of restorative justice in customary law can synergize with the justice approach in Islamic law to create a more effective and just conflict resolution mechanism. Apart from that, this seminar also aims to develop policy recommendations that can be implemented by policy makers, international institutions and local communities in their efforts to deal with conflicts and humanitarian issues.

Ultimately, by combining insights from Islamic law and customary law, we hope to create a more inclusive and responsive approach to the various humanitarian challenges faced by global society today. This approach that recognizes legal and cultural diversity is expected to make a significant contribution to efforts to create peace and justice in the world.

In addressing this global challenge, this seminar will be an important platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences between academics, practitioners, policy makers and humanitarian activists from various backgrounds. It is hoped that in-depth and constructive discussions can produce a more comprehensive and solution understanding regarding the role of Islamic law and customary law in handling conflicts and humanitarian issues.

Furthermore, through the sessions that have been designed, participants will gain insight into how these two legal systems can be practically implemented in different contexts. For example, how human values ​​and principles of justice in Islamic law can be applied in situations of armed conflict or refugee crises, and how customary law can play a role in mediation and reconciliation in communities experiencing internal conflict.

Apart from that, this seminar will also explore the role of international and local institutions in supporting the application of Islamic law and customary law in humanitarian contexts. Speakers from various humanitarian organizations will share their experiences in implementing cultural and faith-based approaches to help victims of conflict and strengthen peace efforts.

By presenting perspectives from various parts of the world, this seminar will also evaluate the successes and challenges faced in implementing Islamic law and customary law in the field. Case studies from different countries will provide a real picture of how these two legal systems work in real situations and how they can be refined to meet future challenges. Ultimately, the aim of this seminar is to build a stronger network of cooperation between various parties involved in handling conflict and humanitarian issues. By sharing knowledge and experience, we can strengthen our collective capacity to create sustainable and just solutions for communities affected by conflict and humanitarian crises.

It is hoped that the results of this seminar will become the basis for developing new policies and strategies that are more effective in dealing with conflicts and humanitarian issues, as well as promoting peace and justice at the global level. Through open and inclusive dialogue, we can together find a path to a more peaceful and just world.

Thus, this seminar not only functions as an academic forum, but also as a practical vehicle for formulating concrete steps that can be implemented by various related parties. Each session and discussion is expected to produce recommendations that can be implemented in the field, strengthening the synergy between Islamic law and customary law in resolving conflicts and overcoming humanitarian issues.

In addition, the results of this seminar will be documented in the form of scientific publications that can be accessed by a wide audience. This publication will serve as an important reference for future researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. This documentation will also include summaries of case studies, comparative analysis, and policy recommendations resulting from discussions during the seminar.

Sebagai tindak lanjut dari seminar, diusulkan untuk membentuk kelompok kerja atau jaringan kolaboratif yang terdiri dari para ahli hukum Islam, hukum adat, aktivis kemanusiaan, dan pembuat kebijakan. Kelompok ini akan bertugas untuk terus mengeksplorasi, mengembangkan, dan mengadvokasi pendekatan-pendekatan inovatif dalam penanganan konflik dan isu kemanusiaan berbasis hukum Islam dan hukum adat. Jaringan ini juga akan berfungsi sebagai platform untuk berbagi informasi, sumber daya, dan praktik terbaik di antara anggotanya.

In the long term, it is hoped that this seminar will make a significant contribution to building local and international capacity in facing humanitarian challenges. Through an approach based on local and religious values, we can create more sustainable and just solutions. This is very important considering that each community has local characteristics and wisdom which can be valuable capital in resolving conflicts and building peace.

By involving various stakeholders and encouraging inclusive dialogue, this seminar also aims to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation between countries and communities. The expected result is the creation of a new paradigm in handling conflict and humanity that is more inclusive, respects cultural and religious diversity, and is based on the principles of justice and humanity.

Overall, this seminar is an important first step in our collective efforts to build a more peaceful and just world. By combining the strengths of Islamic law and customary law, we can create innovative solutions that are able to answer current and future humanitarian challenges. Through shared commitment and close cooperation, we can realize the vision of a more harmonious and just world for all.

The 4th Malikussaleh International Conference on Law, Legal Studies & Social Sciences (MICoLLS) 2024


On-site at Bukit Indah Campus, Malikussaleh University, and via Zoom webinar


Sela Azkia Mobile: +62-852-7667-2228
Fitria Mardhatillah Mobile: +62-852-6033-3951